Rajendra Bagree
SMS Medical College, India
Title: Our experience of Heller’s cardiomyotomy with Dor’s repair, 25 cases
Biography: Rajendra Bagree
In the era of refl ex diseases of GIT, the laparoscopic Heller’s cardiomyotomy with Dor’s repair is the gold standard treatment for achalasia cardia aft er failure of the medical management. We reviewed our results of laparoscopic cardiomyotomy over a 30 month period. In series of 25 cases of GI refl ex disease which was reported to us aft er failure of medical management, typically presented with bird beak appearance in barium swallow. Every patient was investigated thoroughly and planned for laparoscopic Heller’s cardiomyotomy with Dor’s repair (5 cm esophageal and 1 cm cardiomyotomy). Duration of surgery was approximately 60 minutes without any complications and patient started orally clear fl uids on same day postoperatively and semisolid started on day-2 post-operatively. Patient is discharged on 2-3 days of hospital stay with excellent outcomes. To conclude the laparoscopic Heller’s cardiomyotomy with Dor’s repair is the gold standard surgical treatment, which reveals better cosmetics, prompt recovery with least morbidity and early resumption of work with expertise.